There are over 300,000 dogs in Hennepin County. Together, they create over 85 million pounds of waste (40 tons) per year. That's a lot of poop!
Pet waste contains bacteria that contributes to excessive algae growth, E. coli, and other water quality issues that are harmful to people, pets, fish, and other wildlife.
When it rains, feces left on your lawn can be washed into the nearest storm drain and carried to the nearby streams, lakes or rivers. Picking up pet waste, even in your own yard, keeps our local waters safe and clean for recreation, enjoyment and enhances the health of the environment.
City ordinances require pet owners to pick up dog waste. It is unlawful to leave your dog's feces on any public property including parks, streets and sidewalks, as well as private property that is not owned by the pet owner. Find your city's pet waste ordinance for details.
Outlined below are pet waste educational materials created by different entities and organizations that can be tailored for WMWA partners to use. Please follow directions.
Produced by the City of Minnetonka. Keep the Minnetonka logo and add your organizational logo to share.